Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Amazing Grace 41: One Angel Leaves, Two More Arrive

Pinky Promise:  "You have to call my mommy and daddy when the babies get here Jett.  And you have to make them visit them and be friends to them.  They need to love more babies to teach themselves how to love again and not be afraid."

Mikey and his wife Kathy increased their family size by two yesterday afternoon.  Welcome to the world Abigail Grace and Isabella Faith.  My brand new baby nieces were two hours old when I first laid eyes on them.  I watched them bake for so many months it seemed unreal to me that I was looking at these two little girls freshly out of the womb and into the this big old scary crazy world. 

This is not the first time I got to witness the miracle of life, and due to my brother and his wife expecting their second child in October of this year, it will not be my last.  Ola (Olivia) , my brother Jordy's first child, is one and half and is the first baby brought into the Misfit world from her very first breath.  Mikey and Kathy's Baby C (Channing) was born just last June and is not even a year old yet, and is now accompanied by two baby sisters.  Little Dude (Jimmy) was already three when I met him for the very first time, and he is now five and half, and a big brother to Baby C, Abbey, and Izzy. 

If you asked me three years ago about being Uncle Jett, I would tell you we do not need any babies in our family, we are doing just fine without them.  Ask me today and I will tell you I cannot imagine life without these little bodies running our Misfit family.  I haven't had to put much effort into the wonder's and joy's of little kids and how they grow and change so quickly.  My dad would tell you I have been blessed with the mind of a three year old kid and the soul of a 80 year old man with a heart aged somewhere in between that kid and that old man.  I will be the first to admit to anyone that I am one of those uncle's that will stand back and get as much joy as I can out of watching a kid, while being a kid.

I recall watching Lil Dude at the age of four getting stuck between the door and the screen door yelling for me to "et me in dare, et me in dare" as I stood on the inside watching him through the window with a very snowy day in the background.  I don't know how many times I watched Baby C roll himself right between the chair and the footstool, stuck, trying to fight his way out of that tight mess.  Even Ola had me being 'that uncle' on several occasions, one of which she had her tiny hand stuck in a little bag size of cheetos and could not get it out and sat there shaking her hand until the bag fell off, knowing if she just let go of the handful of cheetos it would of not gotten stuck.  It may sound a little mean to you, but I thought I did pretty good not recording and posting these funny moments on YouTube or sending them to American's Funniest Videos and try to win money off these kids.

I will accept not winning Uncle of the Year, but I will argue with you until we're both blue in the face that I am the proudest uncle on earth.  I love these kids, all of them, and even the ones that come around the Misfits house on occasion with friends and family members.  I feel blessed that I can watch these little people grow in size and knowledge and try to grasp how they work.  I love thinking about what I see in them today that might show a sign of a future career for them. 

I stared at Abbey and Izzy yesterday, and again today, and I wondered what life would hold for these little miracles.  I thought about how I would see new things through their eyes and their actions.  I will enjoy watching them interact as siblings, as well as individuals.  Two more little beings to pray for on a daily basis.  Two more little bodies to watch grow and become individuals.  Twice of everything I love about watching Baby C, Lil Dude, and Ola.

Yes.  My heart has filled up further then I ever thought it could.  I can feel it bursting with love.  I cannot help but thank God for all that is good.  I thank God today for giving me such a special part of Grace's life. Because of Gracie, I know that there is enough room in my heart to store so much more love than I allow it to.  If I had to guess at one thing today, it would be that Grace played a role in the birth of these two precious little lives that doubled the amount of love in my heart for not one, but two more babies in my Misfit world.  Today when I visited my new baby nieces through the window I swear the reflection of myself cast on that window was shadowed by my little angel in heaven. 

I was a bit nervous to call Bill and Annie (Gracie's parents) and inform them that the babies were here so they could visit them, meet them, become part of their lives.  Annie answered the phone when I called, "Are they here?"   She seemed very excited and very anxious which relaxed my grip on the nervousness I felt when I made the call.  "Yes Annie, the girls are here."   She assured me her and Bill would visit the girls tonight and stop by and visit with Mikey and Kathy.  We made plans to have dinner one night this weekend and catch up on our lives since our fishing trip.  I was excited to meet with them and see how they were doing.

Dear Gracie, my little angel in heaven.  You were right.  There is more room in my heart to love more kids without letting go of any of the love I have for you.  I miss you deeply.  I am sorry I still cry at night when I say my prayers to you.  It is the only Pinky Promise I have not kept so far.  Love and miss you, your boyfriend, the boy with the funny name, Jett.

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.