Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Thirty three days devoted to thirty three radiation treatments for a friend with brain cancer.  It's so very important to remain faithful, strong, and encouraged  when you battle any kind of health issues.  Where does your strength come from?  Who is praying for you?  In whose thoughts were in as you stayed in the fight and completed your treatment?  Who helps you realize #YouAreNotAQuitter?  Who never left your side because #TheyAreNotAQuitter?  Who listened repeatedly when you told them #WeAreNotQuitters? 

Day 1: As the Sun rises with each new day, thank the Lord for all he has given you and all you are about to receive. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 2: I believe in God, the Father, the Almighty ... and in Him, through Him, with Him, I shall cast aside my fears and trust Him in all things before me.

Day 3: The FAITH you have inside you comes from your LOVE of GOD. The more you BELIEVE in HIM, the more you TRUST HIM, the stronger you become. That is what gets you through the obstacles you face in life. Let nothing stand in your way of the path you take to get to Eternity. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 4: Do not let fear weigh you down and take away your desire to move forward in your FAITH. Believe in God as you do in the wind, sight unseen you know it's power. The stronger it blows the more you feel it around you. Trust in God like you do the wind. Enjoy the gentle breezes in life and brace yourself for the storms you face. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 5: Most of GOD's work goes unseen, unheard, unappreciated, but HE continues to give freely, love unconditionally, bless evenly. Feel the warmth of HIS love at its finest when you need it the most but know it never leaves you, not even when you need it the least. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 6: Be strong in your faith, trust in God and all things good. Accept His way for it is the truth that lights the path in your journey to Him. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 7: Be humble in your journey, be trusting in The Lord and of the heavens above this earth. Stay strong in your faith, stay true to HIS teachings. There is no inconvenient time to pray. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 8: When life gets to busy for us to include GOD, HE finds ways for us to slow down and let HIM in. Let HIM! Rejoice and be glad, for HE is the Savior we unknowingly seek. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 9: Like the wind that whispers your name, the angels call out to you with the flutter of their wings, letting you know they are there to comfort you, support you, keep you warm. Let them in. #WeAreNotQuitters

Day 10. Be strong in your will to live, and when you find yourself in doubt of your own strength, let others be strong for you. Lean on God in the good times and the bad. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 11:  To pray is to believe. To believe is to trust. To trust is to have hope. To have hope is to have faith. Faith alone will provided you the strength to win.  Hope and trust provides light along the way. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 12: For all good things come from HIM, through HIM, with HIM and in HIM ... because HE so loved the world and everyone in it. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 13: If there were never storms with big gusts of winds we would never know the beauty of a gentle breeze. Embrace ALL of GOD'S gifts, trust in ALL HE has to offer, never wish any of it away. PRAYERS provide STRENGTH. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 14: Jesus walking on water was a Miracle, you believing HE did is Faith, you wanting to believe HE did is Hope, you sharing HIS Miracle with others is Trust. Share HIS stories. Spread HIS Word. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 15: GOD will reveal to us what matters and what matters not. Love no one or nothing more than you love HIM. Follow HIS heart and you are on the right path. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 16: At some point in our lives we have to believe in someone, trust someone, love someone. Open your heart to God, believe, trust, and love Him above all others. The rest will fall in place. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters‬ Rejoice in His gift of life. Repay Him by living His Word.

DAY 17:  If you don't believe in the gift of life ... hold a baby.  If you don't believe in the gift of life ... hug a grandmother.  The circle of life begins and ends with miracles. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 18: You are not blessed for what you have, you are blessed for what you do not have. It is what you hold in your heart and soul that reveals the truth about who you are. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters‬ ‪#‎LiveSimpleDieHumble‬

DAY 19: When we question God it is not His faith we are doubting ... it is our own faith we are struggling with.  Through Him all things pass ... through Him we find comfort and peace. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters‬ ‪#‎BelieveInMiracles

DAY 20: When you pray you are asking God for strength, either for yourself or for others who need it. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 21:  When life's moments changes our faith and refocuses our priorities the balance often gets forgotten. don't forget the balance is what made you strong enough to carry you and your faith to a higher ground of hope.  Don't forget the people who have silently never left your side. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 22:  What begins with hope ends with faith. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 23: Trust Him with all your heart.  Follow Him with faith.  Praise Him all the days of your life.#WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 24: At any given moment GOD can place someone in your life who will be the strength you ran out of ... at any given moment HE can also remove them to see if your faith will hold you up. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 25:  Though I have failed HIM many times HE has never failed me.   The power of prayer is testament to HIS love for us. #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 26: Cloudy days do not create gloomy moods. Gloomy moods create clouded minds. Look for the rainbow, be the sunshine. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters‬

DAY 27: STRENGTH alone does not provide us with desired results. It's a combination of FAITH HOPE and TRUST. It's knowing we are never alone in our journey. Never alone in our sorrow. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 28: Each breath we breathe is a gift. Each day we awaken is a blessing. Give thanks, rejoice, and be glad. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 29: We will stumble and we will fall, and each time we do our faith in GOD will bring us to our feet once again.  There are no tests to measure our pain, no scale to weigh our gain.  Time is our strength, day in and day out. ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 30:  Stop looking for a life to live and start looking for a purpose to serve.  It proves to be less work and more fulfilling ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters‬

DAY 31:  At the end of the day if you can say you did your very best ... if you can say you walked with Jesus ... if you can say you never gave up ... you won ‪#‎WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 32: Courage is facing your battles head on even when fear paralyzes your strength #WeAreNotQuitters

DAY 33: For the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory are yours, now and forever.   Stand strong against the odds against you.  Fight for what you believe, embrace the impossible.  Battles are won with prayer, wars are beaten with Faith. ‪#‎SheIsNotAQuitter‬


About Me

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.