Monday, August 27, 2018

Kim's Bubble Was Small ... did you make it?

Every step I take forward in life is a sad reminder of another day without my Pooh.  I had gotten used to taking each step with Kim next to me.  I got to where I was not used to diving into a new adventure without Kim to encourage me, guide me, and make me feel like I was on the right path.  Even after I married Katie, Kim was the one I turned to for approval.

I run a very successful printing company for the owner of the business who during my junior and senior years of college mentored me.  I was a paid intern for him and he eventually brought me up through the ranks to take over the daily operations of his business.  I did not jump in with both feet though, I had to be pushed into excepting the paid internship by Kim.  I didn't think it was an adventure I wanted to take on.  I have a degree in Journalism and Elementary Education and running a printing company was far from what I went to school for.

I wanted to report the news.  The good news.  The positive news.  I wanted to tell peoples stories in print.  I wanted the world to know there was more to the world than evil.  I wanted to find those stories and tell them in the words of the makers of those stories.  Like the Amazing Gracie story I blogged about that told the story of a little girl with a terminal illness who was trying to leave the world a better place.  That was my desire.  Kim would help me realize that a steady income job would eventually help me accomplish the dream my dream of writing.

I have become a successful blogger under two blog accounts, the one here under Beyond A Breath of Life that documents a great deal about my past as well as my friendships and family.  And a second blog spot that I have never revealed to my followers of this blog but rely solely on the dark world to find them on their own.  They are my dark blogs, the blogs that go against my wish to share positive motivating writings.  Someday I will reveal me as the author of that blog spot but for now it remains hidden in the big old world of anonymous bloggers.

Kim had access to that blog spot but rarely visited it. I think she enjoyed the Beyond A Breath Of Life blogs a lot more.  Once again, Kim's advice to accept the internship and eventually run the printing company was spot on.  Even though I learned a great deal about the business from Stan, the owner, I learned even more from Kim.  Especially about how to effectively get your employee's to get the job done.  Kim always said that you are obligated to be firm with your employees so you can be successful in making profits and by rewarding your employees with those profits, earn their loyalty.  Kim also taught me to not take shit off your employee's. 

To this day I think about all the stories Kim told me over the years about the different types of people she worked with.  Remember, Kim's circle was small whether you were in that circle or not, if you were responsible, showed up for work, got your job done, you were her friend and she would give back to you ten fold.  I remember her friend Erica from her job at Sam's Club and how impressed Kim said she was with Erica's work ethic.  Kim said she was younger and although she came in cold to the wholesale business, she was one of the best.  One of the best because she listened carefully to direction, asked a lot of questions, and achieved great results. 

I never met Erica but I felt I had a pretty good handle on how she was as a co-worker.  Kim talked about how she could show her how to accomplish something once and Erica just got it, took it, and ran with it.  There was a handful of people Kim talked about from that job, and the ones she mentioned all had the same qualities when it came to work.  But there was less than a handful that she also talked about so kindly that I knew they were in her friend bubble.  Erica was one of them.  The traits that Kim revealed to me about Erica, and a few others, are traits I look for when I am hiring individuals.  It has helped me gain some very good workers that I was able to promote quickly to help the business become even more successful.

Loyalty.  Commitment.  Directness.  Sensibility.  Ability to accept change.  Ability to get out of the box.  Ability to process direction.  A thinker.  Decision maker.

And if you could make Kim laugh along the way, you were a winner in her world.  I don't know if I have this whole story right, but as I remember it, Erica once called Sam's and asked for Kim, claiming to be with OSHA I believe it was.  Had her read the ingredients from laundry detergent to her. Let her go through a couple of the products before telling her it was Erica.  Now that shit is funny and I remember Kim telling me how funny she thought it was.  And I believe she called Erica a dumbass, which when it comes to Kim was the highest compliment you could get and let you know you were in her bubble. 

I miss Kim so much but there is not a day goes by that I don't think about her and know she is still with me guiding me with each step I take.  At the end of the day I hope I make her proud of who I am and what I am doing.  I know that Kim would be so happy that I am going to be a dad in March.  She prenamed our baby way back when I told her I didn't want to be a dad.  Roo, she said, the kangaroo from Winnie the Pooh.  She laughed and laughed but you know what, Roo may just find its way on baby Paulings birth certificate and if not, well I can't wait to meet my little Roo. 

About Me

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.