Monday, September 3, 2012

Friends: The Goodness in the Hearts of Strangers

You know you're on the right path when you're not afraid to ask others to pray for your strength to get you through the current test of your faith as you journey through life on earth.  It certainly is not a sign of weakness to ask for extra prayers for yourself, in fact, I would consider it a great strength with-in you to ask others to reach further inside of themselves to work the power of prayer.

In a world that seems full of anger and hate and violence against our fellow brothers and sisters of the Lord, it is these times when our own faith is tested that will help us see the goodwill on earth.  In my heart I believe there are many more great things happening then bad things in this world when it comes to one on one human contact.  As an inspiring journalist half way through my college trek in a degree in journalism I have many assignments regarding human interest stories.  I am required to dig into all aspects of the media and the stories that are covered.  I learned very quickly that what attracts attention are the not so pleasant stories of violence.  So many people spend time writing and reading these stories, trying to figure out how our human brain functions. Those are the stories I try to stay away from. 

I am more interested in how the human heart works.  I tend to embrace stories that come from our hearts and get passed onto the hearts of others.  I believe there is a lot of kindness in this world and I believe that most prayers are said for others than for ourselves.  I believe there is more genuine kindness than kindness some people extend for personal gain.  I believe in the goodness of others.  I believe in random acts of kindness that truly expresses our love for each other as well as our love in God.  I believe that there are gazillions of people that offer hope and faith and prayer to others for no other reason then they see it as their chance to help others through times of personal struggles.  To wish peace and happiness to fall on others is one of the most unselfish human deeds that can be done, and to expect nothing but kindness back is an even greater display of human kindness.

As sad as the story of Grace's final days on earth were, and as hard as it was to walk those days next to her, we did it.  We all did it.  I merely brought her story of courage and faith to you, which was my way of asking a lot of friends I've yet to meet to reach into their hearts and offer up kindness and prayers of peace for a child of God who was headed home to HIM.

As difficult as it is to continue to blog my life's journey of the seven years of abuse I endured at the hands of a man with very little kindness and happiness in his heart, I do it to ask for strength to keep breathing as a new day rises.

As hard as it was to lose my best friend and brother Joey, I keep his memory alive by talking about his death to remind others that living life with a kind heart will ensure your faith is strong so that one day when our hearts stop beating and our last breath of life on earth is taken, we will meet our loved ones once again in heaven where eternity will never part us again.

Pam, in your heart you have to believe in the power of prayer or you would not continue to ask for prayers to help you get through this most difficult time .  There are hundreds of people from several countries praying for your son Jacob to recover fully from his health scare.  Those same fellow brothers and sisters are praying for the strength you need to get him through the next phase of his recovery.  There will be days where you will feel you have used all the strength you have and days when you feel you have given everything you have to give.  It will be challenging for you to keep Jacob motivated to fight back.  Tears will be shed, with others and when you are alone.  Anger will surface with questions of  'why me?' and sadness will try to creep into your heart when you feel you have nothing left to offer.  It is during these times that you need to remember you and Jacob are not in this fight alone.  Every tear you shed will represent one more person added to the prayer chain in restoring your strength, let them flow freely.  Every moment you spend in anger is a moment you lose in time where you could be resting, restoring your strength.  Letting sadness creep into your heart will take up valuable space that someone else may be trying to fill.  You are not alone.  Believe in the fellowship others have to offer, embrace the spirits around you that will guide you and Jacob back to a healthy life, a happy heart, and enjoying the blessings God has given you.

Many thoughts and prayers of strength to you and Jacob.  Hugs.  Jett

PS: Jacob,  Mom's the boss.  Always has been, always will be.  What she says goes.  Fight little brother, show the world how tough you are.  Your left side needs to be as strong as your right side so someday when we arm wrestle, you have a fighting chance.  Weakness is NOT an option. 

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.