Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Family: Til Death Did Us Part ... A Letter to Heaven from a little brothers heart.


It doesn't feel like its been six years since the day your journey on earth ended and you began a new journey in heaven with God and all the souls he invited to live with him in his Kingdom.  It seems like it wasn't that long ago you were pulling me around the yard in a beat up old wagon, making me laugh.  I can almost still feel the cold air hit my face as you pushed me down the snowy hill on a cold winter day and raced down the hill before me, waiting for me to reach the bottom.  I can almost hear the crack of the bat against the ball when you took me to the park to teach me how to play baseball.  Running along side me from base to base, letting me touch the safety of the base when you could have easily touched me out.  I can still close my eyes and remember the Morningside Day's Carnival rides, the naps under the trees, the smell of the treats you bought me, as we spent a whole day together.

I think about how fun you made my days before the sun set and the Bushnell nightmares took over.  I think about the times you called me buddy and introduced me to your friends as 'my brother, my best friend', making me feel loved, wanted, and needed, in your life.  I think about how you used to take me along on dates with you and your girlfriends and gave me the attention you should of have been giving your girl(s).  The times when you used to throw me over your shoulder and carry me around as I was screaming because you told me how you were going to sell me to the junk yard for cash so you could use the money to buy yourself beer and  peanuts. I think about the times you came over and got me and took me around the rich side of town to look at Christmas lights and decorations.

It seems like just yesterday you were healthy, happy, and living life as it would never end.  Never missing a beat, never hesitating to live for the moment and not think about dying young.  It seems like just yesterday you were running rampant around the city looking for your next adventure.  It seems like just yesterday your heart beat strong and your mind worked endlessly.  It seems like just yesterday you were making everyone laugh and enjoy you for who you were to them, how you loved them, and how you cared for them.

My memories of you would not be complete without the memory of the last year of your life.  The memories where I learned that fear does not make your faith stronger and hope does not make your sadness go away.  The year I watched a life slowly slip away from the body of my best friend, my brother, my mentor.  The year I not only lost my brother but the faith I had in escaping the Bushnell life and moving onto a life with better hope and a brighter future.

I will never forget the day you took your last breath of life.  I will never forgot watching those that loved you the most say their final goodbyes to the son, the brother, the friend, the little kid, who added a spark to the life they shared with you.  I will never forget watching that tear roll down mom's cheek as she kissed you goodbye.  The sad quiet look on Jordy's face as he let go of the brother that would no longer understand the life he lived.  The exit of your friend Jake before you died, because he could not handle your final moments on earth and chose not to watch you gasp a final breath as if you were taking the air in that room with you.  The anger and sadness of your best friend Mikey who yelled for you to not go, to not leave him alone in a world where you were the only one that understood his pain in life.  The shock and lack of understanding from me of what was happening at the very moment your soul left the shell of the body it occupied to take its spot in heaven with God.

The tears, the anger, the sadness.  All of it remains on the earth you left, in memories that will never be forgotten. The laughter, the smiles, the happiness.  They also still remain in the hearts of those still walking their journey on earth.

Beyond a breath of life you never really left me Joey.  Beyond your walk on earth I still feel you beside me, guiding me in life as if you were keeping your promise to keep me safe and out of harms way.  Beyond a brotherhood of togetherness, beyond a friendship of love, beyond a heartbeat away, you are with me, now and forever, until we meet again .... beyond a breath of life that lives in me through you.

I love you Joey, and I miss you and I if dreams really did come true you would still be with me today.  With each tear drop that falls, with each pain in my heart I will always love you and I will forever be thankful for your guidance in my life as it continues with the spirit you provide me to live life as if it will never end.

Good Bless your soul and may you continue to rest in the peace we all desire.

Love always, Jett

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.