Sunday, December 30, 2012

Faith: Only God Will Ever Love You More Than You Love Yourself

Faith begins inside of ourselves.  That seed was planted inside of us the day we were born.  What we learn about faith as we grow older in age is what we use to build our faith.  It is important to understand that while Faith in God is our ultimate  happiness in a world that seems to spin out of control, faith in ourselves is just as important.  The more we trust and believe in ourselves, the stronger our Faith in God.

We often hear the phrase 'God will not give us more then we can handle'.  I personally have read the Bible cover to cover three complete times and not once have I come across that quote in the Bible.  I am by no means and expert on the Bible and His teaches, but based on my memory of what I feel comes as close to that quote in the Bible can be found in 1 Corinthians 10:13.  

There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. King James Version

Temptations in life is what builds upon our faith.  They should not be looked at as if God is testing us, for without temptations we never learn right from wrong and our faith never grows stronger.  What God is telling us is that as we live on the earth he created in an effort to prepare us for eternal life it will be the decisions we make that determines our fate.  

Life is full of temptations and how we act upon those temptations will define how much faith we have in ourselves.  When we are at the lowest of our lows in life is when we tend to make the worst decisions.  When I stop and think about all the challenges that life placed in front of me I think about them from the point of view as to how others have treated me.  Being physically, mentally and sexually abused by my birth dad from the ages of seven to fourteen left me wondering what was it about me that this had happened to me?  I struggle deeply with this question often, even six years later at the age of 20. 

What I am beginning to understand about those seven years of the 'ickies' in my life is that the temptation was placed inside of my birth dad, not inside of me.  It was temptation that was placed in front of him that lead to the abuse he inflicted upon me and my brothers.  Religion and God was not a part of my birth dads life in any aspect what so ever.  My birth dad had no faith, not in God and not in himself.  He did not trust and believe in himself and that led him to a life of temptation that he was sure to fail as it was placed in front of him.

The temptation placed in front of myself was how I would survive the abuse inflicted upon me.  I believe in myself and I am starting to trust myself that I am a good Christian man with great insight that my journey on earth will lead me to the final leg of my journey with God.  That beyond this breath of life I live on earth awaits an eternal life where I will rest peacefully in the comfort of all the temptations I avoided in a world where they were plentiful.

I feel that as the world spins, we as human beings lose more and more of what God had in mind when he created his garden and planted the seeds of faith in Adam and Eve.  It's incredibly sad to me that our prison system houses a larger population than our churches attendance on any given Sunday.  I am not a firm believer that you have to attend a church to have a strong value of faith.  I personally attend Mass each Sunday where I find a peaceful calm overtake any stress of life I may have been hoarding inside of me prior to Sunday services.  However I feel whether you are praying with a congregation or alone, God's will is being done.

I would like to stress how important it is that we believe in ourselves.  That we trust we are a good person in today's world.  That we have faith in who we are and that we reach beyond the temptations in our lives that try to destroy our minds, our hearts, and our souls.  As we walk through life on earth we will experience heartache and pain, often at the hands of others.

No one has the right the destroy our self worth, and we owe it to ourselves to surround ourselves with people who will help us build on our relationship with ourselves and not continue to try and destroy that.  We should allow ourselves the heartache that comes with broken relationships without it destroying our faith in who we are.  We should recognize those people in our lives that continue to chip away at our happiness and self worth.  We should love ourselves first and not be afraid to be alone as we journey through life.  We should believe in ourselves enough to have the patience to wait a life time if that is what it takes to find that one person in life who will love us for who we are.  That one person who will build on how we feel about ourselves, how we love ourselves, how we trust ourselves and how we believe in ourselves.

Letting go of something or someone in our lives that is destroying who we are, or who we want to be, is probably one of the greatest temptations we will have placed in front of us.  If you find yourself in a relationship where you are feeling the need to defend who you are, or you are thinking less of yourself at the hands of another, you more then likely are with someone who does not believe, or trust, or love themselves.  I spent years with a birth dad who never learned how to love himself that left me wondering what was wrong with me.  I spend years with a birth dad who thought so little of himself that he made it his mission to destroy any hope and faith his family had for a happy existence on earth.

You have to love yourself before others will love you.  You have to have faith in the life you chose to live before you can share it with others.  You have to believe in yourself, heart and soul, before others will treat you like you deserve to be treated.  And if they do not, you should rightfully excuse yourself out of their lives, for they did not pass the temptation in front of them to be to you who you were to them.

When you choose to degrade others you are really showing a side of you that you are trying to hide.  Treat everyone with the same kindness and respect you would like to be treated.  MATTHEW 7:1 'judge not others and you will not be judged ...'  IS a quote from the bible.  You are not liable for others temptations in life therefore you have no right to judge the trails and tribulations of those around you.  Bad things happen to good people and you only show your own weakness's when you judge them as they struggle through their hardships.  You will NEVER make yourself look better by trying to make someone else look bad.  Just be kind and work on who you are, instead of trying to convince others who someone else is not.

“Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God's love encompasses us completely. ... He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.”
Dieter F. Uchtdorf

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.