Monday, March 30, 2015

It's In The Clouds

I have, for several years now, took advantage of the cloudiest of days to lay back on the deck in a lounge chair and watch the clouds roll by.  It's just always been a peaceful relaxing way to spend time to me.  I recall my dad, Papa Jake, accusing me of being lazy and that's putting it in a lot nicer terms then he ever did.  I never argued the point with him, I just invited him to join me.  Explained to him that he should try it, chill out, enjoy the breeze.  I also remember that once the 'misfit littles' starting entering my life it wasn't as peaceful as it used to be.  It was fun though and to this day I enjoy watching the clouds pass by whether I am doing it alone, with my wife, or with the misfit littles.

I used to look at the biggest fluffiest clouds moving through my sight, waiting for my brother Joey's feet to appear, hanging over the edge of the cloud.  I always imagined that whatever cloud Joey would catch rides on, he would also be laying on his back enjoying the clouds above him.  It was a way I could feel him and I were still together, hanging out, being brothers.  There are times when I swear I see them and then just as quickly they disappear.  One could call it great hope that I would someday find his feet draped over his heavenly ride, personally I call it faith. 

Lately I have seen a bunch of pictures online that have been of clouds where angels were formed.  I'm not going to try to fool you, since my Iowa buddy Steve captured some clouds that formed a heart shape in the sky (see picture above) I have been dying to find something in the sky formed out of clouds that is really really cool.  Now I'm not talking about clouds that look like puppies laying on their backs or dragons breathing fire.  I'm talking about a spiritual cloud so awesome and outstanding that I know my brother Joey hung it in the sky right in front of me so I could see it.

It was those 'misfit littles' that had me looking for trucks and dolls and merry-go-rounds in a desperate search for anything that resembled more than a just a cloud.  I will admit laying on my back in the park with the littles around me laying there looking up at the same clouds in the same sky as I was is very entertaining.  We start out in silence as directed by myself but it isn't long before they want everyone to see what they are seeing.  A great example of the innocence in the imagination of the littles in our world is everyone looking at the same cloud. "I see a white horse with his tail up in the air trotting along".   "I see a a little boy with a kite that is waving at us."   "I see superman."  I look at that cloud and try to see a horse, a little boy and his kite and even superman.  "What do you see Uncle Jett?"  My heart sinks, "A cloud," I tell them.  One of them will nudge over next to me and take my arm in their hand and point it to the sky.  "Right there, see his tail?"  Still I see a cloud but I also look around the edge of the cloud looking for Joeys feet to plop over the side. 

They give up on me as they lay there and continue to try to convince each other what they see is really what they all should be seeing.  I listen to their chatter as I continue to look at all the clouds and find my own piece of art moving through the sky.  I feel as if I will never see something as spectacular as a heart shaped cloud or an angel spreading their wings.  But I never give up.  Next cloudy day I will be right there laying on my back looking for my heavenly sign from my brother in heaven. 

Looking up in the sky watching the clouds and trying to make sense of their shape and size is probably a game many of us enjoy doing.   Maybe some of us are just looking up and enjoying the breeze.  Maybe some of us are looking up in appreciation of the blue and white colors.  Maybe some of us are looking for that heart shaped cloud or that angel.  Whatever it is that has us looking up at those clouds also has us looking up to the heavens above.  Next time you take a peek up, stop and say a little prayer to thank God for being able to see that beauty, or to thank him for the opportunity to be able to enjoy the fresh air.  Pray for a loved one, pray for your enemy, pray for yourself.  After all, you are looking in the right direction.  You don't always have to be on your knees in church praying to and thanking God.  Take a moment on your cloudy days and find a new appreciation for all you are blessed with, the good and the not so good.  Remember, it's in the clouds.



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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.