Friday, August 24, 2012

Amazing Grace 44: A Letter Delivered To Heaven, via a sad boys heart ...

Hi Gracie!

In a few days it will be three months since you left us and went to heaven.  It feels like just yesterday we were making pinky promises and laughing about your tormenting text messages to me from your mom;s cell phone.  Sometimes when my cell peeps telling me its a message I hold my breath for a second or two hoping it will say "Annie's Cell" and all of this is just a dream and you are still with us.

 I talk to your mom and daddy at least once a week even if it's for a short five minutes.  It is getting easier to stay in contact with them but it makes me miss you that much more.  They are doing really well Gracie, I know you are proud of them.  Your mom goes and visits the twin girls once a week to hold them and sing to them.  Little Dude still calls your mom 'Gracie's mommy', I hope he never stops that.  He does not get the whole death and heaven scene, and still asks when Grandma Shirley is coming home.  You remember me talking about Grandma Shirley, my mom who died last November. I am sure you have already visited with her up in heaven.  I hope you remembered to give her my message.  Your daddy still has a lot of sadness in his eyes from missing you but he is doing great taking your mom out and living it up, just like you told him to do.  My dad and your daddy go out for beers every so often.  Remember when you asked me to buy you a six pack?  Man were you ever mad at me for not letting you try a beer before you left us.  Then you made me pinky promise to buy one on what would be your 21st birthday and drink it.

Last month I went camping with Carlos and his Mom and her family.  You remember Carlos right?  His little brother was killed in a bicycle accident a few months before school was let out.  He asked me questions about heaven and we decided that you are probably already helping Manny find their daddy.  We belly laughed for about 5 minutes, really loud, so you would hear him enjoying life on earth and it would make you and Manny smile.  I told him about the night your mom and daddy and you and me laid on the living room floor and belly laughed until our belly's ached.  We had a fun weekend and before he goes back to school in a couple weeks we are going to hang for a while and get one more belly laugh in before we both get busy with school activities.

Remember my really really ugly friend George?  He text me just the other day to tell me he was thinking of you and had said a short prayer that your mom and daddy were hangin' tough, just like you did the last few months of your life on earth.  I still tell him how much you must have really loved me, to be so nice to him just because he was my friend despite all his ugliness.  (I know you're laughing at that right now.)  Last time Geo and I visited Olivia she was playing with the barbies you had given her.  I know you visit her Gracie, and I cannot prove that it is you showing yourself to her, but I know in my heart you are her "special little invisible friend".  Thank you for that Gracie, I knew you would be her little guardian angel.

I visited the Cancer Center today for a couple hours.  I finally made it inside the building after all the times I sat in the parking lot to emotional to go in.  It brought back a lot of happy memories for me, as well as some very sad ones.  Some of the nurses remembered me as the boy with the funny name Jett.  That always makes me laugh because that is the very first thing you called me when we first met.  I visited some very sick kids Gracie, just like you said I should.  I read to some of them and I played cars with a little guy there and I visited with some of the parents for a while.  It was probably one of the hardest things I embarked on since you left.  I walked by 'your room' several times and even though someone else is now calling it their room, I could not bring myself to go in.  I did not even look inside that room Gracie, it was just too painful.  I am glad that I went today because it was one of our pinky promises I did not think I would ever keep.  I did not cross it off my Pinky Promise list yet, because I feel I should go back again and again until I can face those halls free of the sadness it has put in my heart.

I know in my heart you and Joey visited me earlier in the week when I was sick with my  headache.  It gave me comfort that you were with him because that told me you are out of God's park and in His house!  I miss you still Gracie, very much, every day.  I trust God's plan for you and although I am not angry He took you from us I still wish we had more time together to work on your story.  I write in my journal almost every night putting your words into the story of your courageous life.  Our Amazing Grace blogs are still being read on a daily basis and we are still getting new BFF's (Blog Following Friends) daily.  Your precious short life has reached every United State and many countries over seas.  Keeping up with the emails, messages and tweets is difficult to do but it is something I will not let go by the wayside.  Together we blogged your journey and one day it will be in print with my story of your journey behind it in a beautiful book celebrating your beautiful life on earth.

I miss you Gracie.  I love you.  Thank you for staying in my heart long after you walked into His house of peace.  Thank you for a lifetime friendship that was short on earth but will last an eternity in heaven.  Your strength and courage in transitioning from life on earth to beyond a breath of life is inspiring and encouraging that no matter what I face while I am on my journey here, it will be worth the wait to one day be invited into the Kingdom of God.

Big Hugs, Lots of Smiles, Pinky Promises Unbroken,

I love you Amazing Grace!  from the boy with the funny name, Jett

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.