Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Teaching The Littles ... Lord, Keep Me Safe

God, your love is so precious!  You protect people as a bird protects its young under her wings.
- Psalm 36:7

It is so important for the littles of the world to know that they are loved. Not all littles get shown that they are loved even when they are, simply because some adults are so consumed with life outside the home they don't realize their behavior towards the world problems often takes away the love they have for their littles. Showing the innocent Littles love is very rewarding to my heart.  Teaching the Littles about how much God loves them and the things He does to show them that love is one of the most precious gifts I can give them, and give God.  In many ways the great imagination of a child makes it easy to explain how big God is in their tiny little worlds. It can also be challenging since they cannot physically see God.  One of the twins, Isabella, is afraid of anything that moves that is not human.  She is too young to realize that the feeling she has when a dog comes near her is fear.  She is too young right now to even realize who God is and how he protects her.  When she visits and runs into our neighbors (my brother Jordy's) dog Charlie she shakes from her fear of him.  I tried to tell her that God would never hurt her and He will protect her.  She now calls Charlie by the name of God.  "God", she says as she points to him.  It makes me laugh and I know in time she will "get" the whole lesson and perhaps outgrow her fear of animals.  The bright side is she has already included God in her vocabulary.

Lord, Keep Me Sate
The world feels big, and I feel small.
Still, God, You listen when I call.
My soft words whisper in Your ears,
And then You come to ease my fears.

You calm me when I feel afraid,
And help me to be very brave.
You stay beside me day and night,
And always keep me in Your sight.

Thank You, God! Your love, I know,
Protects me everywhere I go.

This is the prayer I actually use to help control my anxiety about life.  I close my eyes and darken my world and whisper this prayer to God.  I might have to repeat it two or three times to comfort myself and calm my fears but it eventually helps me relax and put my trust and my faith in God.

The important lesson about this prayer, for the littles of the world and us adults as well, is having the faith and strength to share our fears with God and allow him to comfort us with his Grace.  Placing our troubles in God's hand comforts us and shows us that he truly is always right beside us, as long as we allow him to walk with us.  He is everywhere you need Him to be, always.  He is everywhere you are, even when we fail to realize He is with us.  If you do not have faith that He will protect you, you are not letting Him in.  Letting Him in your heart and opening your mind to His promise of peace, happiness and love is what will calm your fears and lay your trouble to rest.  Letting the littles of the world witness your head bowed in prayer and your arms raised to the heavens thanking God for being with you will remind the littles as they grow older that they have a friend in Jesus and that God will keep them out of harms way when they make the right choices in life.

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.