Friday, December 26, 2014

A New Year, A New Outlook

Although I've never faced death personally I have witness death from many different angles in those that were close to me as they took their last breath of life.  I've lost two siblings in vehicle related deaths, a brother to cancer, a mother to a stroke and a dad, well, I'm not really sure how he died, but he also is gone.  I have lost friends to cancer, natural causes, old age, broken hearts, suicide.  I have witnessed friends lose a child at the age of eight and friends who lost a child before he was even born. 

On this blog site I write about the deaths I have witnessed.  How I felt, how I imagine those that lost their loved ones felt.  It is how I deal with the pain of losing people in my life that I love.  Sharing those moments of my life with others is a comfort to me as I imagine my blog followers relating to my pain as I relate to theirs.  I write in hopes of helping others in their times of grief, or maybe help them understand what they one day will feel as they lose a loved one.

While one truly will never fully understand the pain someone else suffers from losing someone close to them, I think we can all agree that it is painful and that we all grieve the same even though we grieve differently.  I wouldn't even say there are different levels of grief because no matter how you are grieving the pain is still there.  That unimaginable pain that we never knew existed until we experienced it.  Yes, it hurts. It hurts bad and it hurts forever.  The grieving process of losing and missing a loved one never leaves.

As blog followers you have read about the many journey's of people in my life that ended here on earth.  I have shared some spiritual blogs and I have mixed in a few random acts of kindness blogs along the way as well.  However the majority of the blogs on this site were about death, dying, losing battles and struggles of everyday life.  I also have a blog site that contains some very dark content that I have yet to share in the manner in which I share this blog site.  The things I consider worse than death.

I guess what I am trying to relay to you through this blog is that my life is not just about death. Sure I have struggled greatly in that area and I have seen my share of struggles in my life, but I also have stories about those that survived.  Those that survived an illness, a suicide attempt, a car wreck, an accident at home.  There are many stories of survival I have witnessed.  Those that won their fight and those that are still fighting. 

It's important to me that you know my life is not all about the pain and suffering and deaths that end the struggles of people I have crossed paths with.  My life is also full of joy for those that have won, those that have beat their diseases, beat the odds against the struggles they faced in their paths.  Those that are still on their journey with the strength of a warrior, pushing past everything set before them in life.  Their lives took a turn in a big way but they accepted that challenge, accepted that change and came out stronger and better then you or I could ever have imagined. 

This New Year, 2015, that is approaching in just a few short days will bring a new light to this blog site.  Although I will continue to blog about death and its effect on our hearts and our souls and our minds, I will also blog about the survival of friends and family who fought hard through their struggles in life to continue their journey here on earth.  I hope you will all continue to follow this site this next year and share my blogs with those in your life that you feel may benefit from their contents. 

Thank you for helping me reach so many people in so many countries by supporting my efforts to become a writer, a journalist and following me through my college years.  It's been a great 2014 and I do hope you follow me in 2015 as my life takes even bigger strides in becoming a published writer and journey through the rest of my life with the girl of my dreams.

God Bless and may 2015 be a year full of success and happiness to each and everyone of you.

Your Greatest Fears Are Completely
Dependent On You For Survival

About Me

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.