Sunday, December 15, 2013

Testing Your Faith

There are times in our lives when we will question GOD. We will ask HIM "why me?" when things are not going according to our plan. We will ask HIM "why are you testing my faith?" when we seem to be weighed down with our sorrows. We will question HIM when we feel HE has let us down, or taken away things from us that we worked hard for. We will ask HIM how HE could desert us at the toughest times of our lives when nothing seems to be going right. We will question our own faith and ask why we bothered to pray to HIM, or praise HIM. What good did it do if the end result was going to knock us down and let us down.

Personally I do not feel GOD ever puts our faith to the test.  I believe we put our own faith to the test.  When everything seems golden in our lives we feel great.  We feel success is ours and hopefully we remembered to thank GOD for all is good.  When things do not seem to be going well for us our first instinct is to ask GOD where HE is that HE is not with us helping us through our tough times.  When we feel alone and deserted it is GOD who we look to and ask HIM why he is failing us.  We should be asking ourselves how strong we are in our faith, not how much faith GOD has in us. 
There is a line from a few movies that set my mind straight in times of trouble.  "The greatest trick the devil ever played was convincing us he does not exist."  Satan attacks our faith in GOD at the weakest moments in our lives.  He waits in the shadows during our toughest times when he knows it is GOD we will question.  When he knows it is GOD we blame and look to for answers.  Those are the best times satan could ever move in, sneak in, right there between us and our faith.  It is satan who keeps us down, it is satan who has us questioning our faith and our path. It is satan who is pushing us from behind to stumble and fall.  Satan is at his best when we question GODs plan but it is GOD who helps us move on and is with us every step of the way.  As soon as satan sees how strong we are he moves on to someone else who is going through a weak moment.  GOD is with us when we need him the most, he never leaves our side.
Without hardships in our lives we would never find out who we are, how strong we are.  Without those moments of weakness in our lives we would never build up our strength, never increase the faith we have, not just in GOD, but in ourselves.  Every time we take a step back we leap forward inside ourselves.  Every time we fall to our knees, it is GOD who kneels down next to us and wraps his faith and promises around us to build upon who we are and who we are meant to be.  It is during those times that we need to remember that even though our plans have faulted, it is GODs plan for us that matters in the end. 

When you are experiencing a temporary moment of sorrow in your life.  When you find yourself questioning your strength and self worth. When you are on the brink of giving up, don't just look back and remember the things that did not go right.  That is not fair to yourself.  Look back at every moment of your life, good and bad, and then take a look at all you have accomplished.  Where you are today is right where you need to be.  Where you were yesterday is what got you to today.  Where you are tomorrow is a result of where you have been.  Learn from it, grow from it, embrace it, because it is life and the only thing you need to know about life is that if you don't feel it, you are not living it. 

Embrace the journey you are on and realize your dreams.  The dreams you have for yourself are achievable even if they do not come about the way you have imagined they would.  There are several roads to success, several paths to walk towards your future.  Accept the fact that those who love you, love you unconditionally.  In their eyes you are already a pillar of strength, successful in life, a picture of perfection.  You mean the world to so many people, and to so many people you are the world to them.

“Those who do not move, do not notice their chains."  There for they will never break free to continue on in their journey. 
Rosa Luxemburg

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.