Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Being Kind, It's Not That Hard

I have blogged a few times about Random Act's Of Kindness, those times when complete strangers do something unexpected all in the name of spreading joy.  I believe in second chances, I believe people can change, I believe in being nice just for the sake of being nice.  I think paying it forward with a random act of kindness is a wonderful experience for both the giver as well as the receiver of the kind act.

Todays world actually makes it hard to pass on the kindness most of us would enjoy giving away.  We really do not trust each other as a human race anymore.  We worry about what others will think, or how they will perceive having something nice done for them.  We have to teach our littles about stranger danger, make them aware that sometimes people are bad and we have to be careful not to become a victim to them. 

Gone are the days where you would see someone walking and offer them a ride.  Now neither one of you want to take the chance in todays world of giving, or accepting, a ride with a stranger.  These days when you offer to help a nice little old lady cross the street you don't know if you will get smacked upside the head with her cane or purse.  Even the simple act of tossing a few coins to the person in front of you at the store because they are short gets you strange looks and a weak thank you.  Yes, todays world makes it hard to show others you are just a nice human.

Should that stop you from being kind? No, it should not. Smiles are still contagious and tears can still be wiped from an eye with a simple gesture to show others you care.  I believe we are still a kinder more gentle race despite the fact that 98% of the news we hear and read is negative.  I believe there are still great people in the world that believe as I do, that as different as we all are, we wish happiness for each other.  Perfect, no, not by far, but I believe the majority of the strangers I meet on any given day continue to spread their kindness where ever they go. 

If that little old grandmother needs a hand across a busy street, I will always ask if I can assist.  When it comes right down to it, I would want someone to step up and help her if she were my grandmother. If my kid were stranded on a highway with his hood up, I would want someone to stop and ask him if they can help him.  If an adult witnessed my kid being bullied by other kids I would want them to step in and take the threat of bullying away from him.  What good is a kind nature if you cannot use it?  How does holding back from being the best you can be to others help anyway, just because todays world makes it hard for us to lend a helping hand?

Being nice, or kind, is not that hard really.  You start by accepting others for who they are.  Respecting their difference, realizing that no two people are the same.  Embrace the things about them that you enjoy or find refreshing.  Welcome the things about them that make them different from you.  Let others be who they are whether you like something about them or not.  Focus on what they bring to your life instead of what you want them to be in your life.  Appreciate what they have to offer and do not fault them for what they don't.  It really is that simple. 

A smile as you pass a stranger.  A nod of the head as you walk by strangers on the sidewalk.  A dollar given to the musician as you pass his bucket.  A kind word spoken to an old homeless man.  An arm lent to a handicap person crossing the street.  Your seat on the bus for the waitress who has been on her feet all day.  Putting your phone on silence when someone is talking to you.  Listening with care as someone tells you about their day.  A hug, a kiss, a handshake.  It cost nothing to be nice.  It is priceless when you show kindness to others. 

Make it a point to challenge yourself for thirty days to be a kinder person to those around you.  Go out of your way to mend a broken friendship.  Take time to visit a lonely person and let them know you care.  Thank the girl behind the counter that waits on that line of people before she got to you.  Give encouragement to someone down in the dumps.  Praise someone that has done the best they can, tried their hardest, even when they did not meet your expectations.  Be kind, be nice, it's a reward you give yourself when you turn someone's bad day into a great one.



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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.