Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friends: The Power of Your Prayers are needed!

To my BFF's  (Blog Following Friends):

First and foremost a personal thank you to all of you that have faithfully followed the Beyond A Breath Of Life blogs.  What started out as an assignment for an aspiring journalist (that being me) has become so much more, far beyond any grade I will be assessed in the final two years of my journalism schooling.

I have met so many wonderful people through this and I have corresponded with even more of you.  The messages sent via Facebook (Jett Pauling), the emails I received via my email account connected to this site ( and the kind words sent to my Twitter Account (BostonSweets) have all shown great support in my efforts to reach my dream of becoming an established writer someday.

So many of you have shared your own stories with me and I thank you for that.  Many of you have simply commented with a few words of encouragement that pushes me to the next level of documenting my journey.  There have been critics and I thank you for those challenges and for those of you that stuck with my blogs as critics get a special thank you from my heart.  Without all supporters, including my critics, I would not grow in my quest to share my journey.

The majority of my BFF's came back time after time to read the journey I took with little Gracie, who at the age of eight died of brain cancer.  I am blessed to not only have been able to walk that final leg of her journey on earth with her, but I also was blessed to be able to share it with over 3500 of you that joined this site to follow her with me.  (You should know, Gracie loved the blogs we wrote and shared with our BFF's and a big part of our time together was talking about how many lives she touched by her strength and courage in facing death.)

Again, I thank you for the time you take from your life to read about mine.  I invite you to email me, tweet me, or find me on facebook and message me if you feel you would like to.  I try to respond back to those that have questions or want to share their journey with me.  I personally reach out to any fellow bloggers out there that are sharing there story as well.  

I have a request to ask of those who believe in the power of prayer.  The son (Jacob) of a cousin (Pam) of my great great friend (Kim) needs many strong prayers and positive thoughts sent his way.   He has been put into a coma while they try to figure out how to treat him and repair him back to himself.  He somehow was stricken with an infection that got inside his skull.  I am not to sure about all the medical terminology and procedures they are using to help him recover but what I do know breaks my heart.   He is currently two hours away from his family in an Omaha NE hospital and as soon as he can be moved he will be three and half hours away in a Lincoln NE hospital to continue his treatment and recovery once he is out of the coma.  His mother and his father will split the week so one of them is with him at all times.  Pam is a teacher and with school starting up (Jacob would be entering the 9th grade) she is limited to the amount of paid time she can be absent from her job.  There are other children involved and can easily become a financial burden for Jacobs family.

Please pray for Jacobs recovering and also pray that his mothers strength and faith carry her through this difficult time.  These are the times when it feels as if our faith is failing us and I feel that with over 3500 BBF's sending thoughts their way it will carry Pam through this test of faith presented before her.

Thank you BFF's!  Your support of my writing and your prayers for Jacob are appreciated.  God Bless each of you and may this blog find you in God's Grace and love.

Jett Michael Pauling

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.