Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Happy Birthday Pooh

How nice was it that our friend Kim was born in November, the most colorful month of the year.  Fall colors were Kim's colors and she loved the fall time of year.  Hoodie weather, the season right before the winter weather season, which she did not enjoy at all.  Kim would have loved and enjoyed this November, 2016.  It's almost as she showed us from heaven what her idea of a perfect November would have been. 

I spent many nights on the computer with Kim during the winter months in our friendship.  She was always wrapped up in a blanket waiting for Cory to come in from the fields to warm her up.  She used to tease me because I was always in thick socks and warm slippers.  Of course she thought I was a dumbass because I wear socks to bed to keep my feet warm.  I used to say "we don't all have a Cory to keep our feet warm Kim".  She always asked how a guy who could spend two hours on a sheet of ice skating be bothered by cold weather feet.  I used to ask her how can a girl who can eat jalapeno peppers ever be bothered by cold weather. 

I still laugh about how horrible Kim was at gift giving.  Not that she was not a great gift giver, but she could not keep it a secret.  Kim was Aunt Kimmy to my misfit nieces and nephews.  She used to send them little gifts and make them little homemade cards.  She used to send me gifts as well, when I was in high school and college.  I always knew what was coming because a couple weeks before she sent it she would hint around to me what she got me.  Then when she sent it she would tell me exactly what it was I should be receiving.  I don't know if she did that with everyone, but she sure did it to me.  I never told her what I was gifting her.  She tried hard to get me to tell her but I, unlike Kim, loved the element of surprise. 

I also remember how often Kim told me she didn't need or want anything. She had everything she wanted in life.  Materially and otherwise.  A great husband, a pretty little daughter, a wonderful family and extended family, and many friends who loved her.  She was horrible to buy for and I used to send her the stupidest gifts ever just to see if I could get a reaction out of her.  I never told her that, but I'm sure she knows that now.  One Christmas I sent her this ugly Twilight candle that I specifically got just to annoy her.  Of course she 'loved' it.  She loved everything I sent her no matter how hard I worked to find the stupidest dumbassed gift I could possibly find.

That was Pooh, that was our Kim, all she ever wanted was to be loved.  Well, to be loved and to fix people.  Those two things are what made Kim happy.  Trust me, I tested her love for me the entire time we were friends and not once did she take the bait.  "I know you love me Jett, I'm not going to argue and fight with you about it  She was right, I loved her so much I tested her love for me to make sure she knew I needed her. 

It's true you cannot send gifts to heaven.  There is no postal service there.  I teased Kim a few times that I was sure FedEx, UPS and the vacuum salesman would still be able to find Kim when she went to heaven.  She used to tell
me I didn't need to send her anything to heaven for her birthday, I just needed to sent her my love. 

Today, don't forget why you love Kim.  When you send a little prayer or a small message her way, be sure to list all the reason you love her.  Remember all the ways she showed you her love too.  Because love was what Kim was all about.  Everything Kim did for anyone was for two reasons.  Because she loved you and she wanted you to love her.  She made it easy to love her, even through the times when we challenged her love for us. 

Happy forty-third birthday my friend.  I'm still making the days without you count, as I count the days without you.  I miss you beyond a breath of life and I think of you every single day.  I believe ... because you opened my heart.  ~ Jett

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.