Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Friends: Kindred Souls/Warm Fuzzies

When two old souls, born again, cross paths.  When an aged soul finds peace in a youthful soul.  When a youthful soul finds comfort in an aged soul.  When two souls born in different era's collide on an unexpected course.  When two souls share the same beliefs, the same characteristics, the same pain in their individual journeys in life.  When two souls find each other, no matter what the distance between them.  When two souls share the same spirit.  That is what defines kindred souls.

I found mine in a most unexpected light.  Through all the shadows that haunt me in my walk on earth, there is a light that fights those shadows for me.  A light that takes the darkness out of my fears and the pain out of my heart.  A light that shows up when I least expect it, but most desperately need it.  A friend that has fought her own fears, has her own shadows, has lived through her own pain in her journey on earth.  She visits me often but is careful to not invade my space.  She is kind and patient and warm. 

I have many angels in my life that guide me from the heavens above.  I have many friends and family members who guide me from the streets of earth.  I have a great unconditional love friend who keeps me focused and loves every move I make in my journey on earth, mistakes as well as success's.  One who understands there is something inside me that is different, and troublesome.

Then there is my kindred spirit friend that God took me through miles and bridges to get to.  The soul that has lived a life of the same abuse I had.  The soul who escaped her demons, as I have, but continues to struggle with the spirit God gave her to keep his spirit alive in those she loves, as I do.  She questions her skills as a mother, as a Christian, as a friend.  Did she lead her children in the right direction, one that will carry them through their lives on earth when she is no longer there to place love in their hearts and God in their lives.  What more could she have done to point them in the right direction to continue her mission on earth, spreading happiness, love, joy and little warm fuzzy's.  What more could she have done to ensure they understand the meaning of family, great friendships, and that no fellow human is a stranger, they are just a friend waiting to happen.  How much more of an example could she set for them to be honest to yourself and true to those around that are there to make them a better person.

There was nothing fake about my kindred spirit friend.  She spoke only the truth and needed nothing from anyone she met other then for them to need her in their lives.  She battled through some tough times in life, only to find God and live by His word the best she could.  She battled through a life of abuse and sadness until the day God opened her heart and her mind to the beautiful person he intended for her to become.  She chose her words wisely, wrote her words carefully, spread her words sparingly.  She embraces her family when they need her the most, forgiving them their downfalls and lifting them back up onto the path she intended for them to be on.

I have had many long talks with my kindred spirit friend.  We relive our pasts with each other to find comfort in who we have become.  We laugh about the things we learn about each other and cry about the things that pained both our hearts in an earlier life.  Each visit promises me more hope in my dreams, more determination in my goals, more faith in my religion.  I find myself more confident and comfortable in my journey towards eternal life where one day I will be reunited with those who went before me.

Where Joey left off, its seems my kindred spirit has taken over.  It's as if God set a path out in my life as that one day I would meet my kindred spirit through an oracle data base of friends and family.  I have always believed that the walk in life you are on will cross paths with all the right people so that one day you will end up exactly where God had planned for you to be.  I feel very strongly that she was put in my life at the right time, for the right reason and that through her I will meet even more people I can call friends.

This is her wish for the happiness and welfare of her children, and her grand-children, and someday for her great grand-children:  "Let go of the material things in life that you use to make yourself feel loved and happy.  Though there are no strangers in the world, only friends waiting to happen.  The friendships you have lost were due to your lack of knowing the true definition of a friend.  Put your own needs and wants behind you and focus on those in front of you.  Do not be a taker in life, be a giver, and as painful as that is, in the end you will be surrounded by the right people to guide you into being a better person in the eyes of God.  Work on the warm fuzzies in life and once you realize the power of a kind word, a warm smile, and a silent prayer for others, you will see how a warm fuzzy is really a gift you give your own heart.  The happiness of others will provide the happiness you are missing with-in yourself.  All I ever wanted is to leave my children with the one tool that will get them through life with a spring in their step and a smile on their face.  The gift of God is something I placed in all of your lives.  That is the best gift I felt I ever gave any of you and it pains my heart that when you think I am not looking, you fail to use that gift to spread happiness to those around you."

“There was something in her eyes that made me trust her. Maybe it was because they held the same cynicism, the same world-weariness I saw in my own every morning when I looked at myself in the mirror.”
Melika Dannese Lux, Corcitura

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.