Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Bitter Sweet Day of Life and Death

A funeral this morning, a wedding this evening.  As one family lets go of the soul of a loved one, another family welcomes a new soul into their lives.  A celebration of two lives beginning, a celebration of a life ending. 

The same church today that was booked for the union of marriage on this date several months ago, will host the funeral on this date that was planned two days ago.  Two groups of people who have never met will share the same alter, on the same day as each other, oblivious of the life that ended, or the bliss that is beginning.

Families will gather for two very different types of celebrations of life.  One full of tears of sorrow, the other full of tears of happiness.  One will honor the past days and life of young man whose journey has ended, the other will honor the future days of a young couple whose journey is just beginning. 

An alter full of flowers this morning, representing the love for the life no longer breathing a breath of air. An alter full of flowers this evening, representing the love of two people starting their lives together full of breaths of fresh air.  A music arrangement this morning of songs that pull at your heart strings reminding us that the circle of life ends here for this young man.  A music arrangement this evening of songs that lift the spirits of hearts for the love being shared by two young people. 

A slow walk up the aisle by six pallbearers, followed by the deceased body of the young man here today to be released to the hands of God.  A slow walk up the aisle by five bridesmaids and five groomsman followed by a young bride today to be united in faith to a groom.  Families of the deceased young man sitting in the pews of this church that houses the faith and trust in our Lord to comfort our saddened hearts.  Families of the young couple sitting in the pews of this church that honors our faith in the Lord to a new beginning with our joyous hearts.

A single candle will be lit to represent the eternal life that will carry this young man to his final resting place where he will sit with Jesus and be whole again.  Two candles that will be used to light a single candle to represent the union of two lives where together with Jesus this young couple will complete the final journey in life. 

Mothers sit near the alter, one watches and listens as she is told to let go of her sadness and trust in the Lord, two watch as they see their young daughter and son become one with a joyous heart.  Fathers sit along side the mothers, one strong enough to let go of the son he never imaged losing at such a young age, two witness their children leaping into lives outside their families to form their own.  Siblings sit in pews behind their parents, this morning to weep as they realize their brother will no longer come home at the end of the day, this evening to shed tears of joy and happiness as their sibling counts increased with the welcoming of a new brother or sister. 

A celebration brunch follows this mornings service where family and friends will gather in a somber mood, to share a meal together, a last supper ritual if you will.   A catered dinner will follow this evenings ceremony where family and friends will gather in a cheerful mood, to share a meal, a first supper of sorts, with the new couple. 

A limo ride for this mornings family taken to a cemetery to bury a son.  A limo ride this evening takes a new couple away from their family and friends to begin their life together.  One family is left behind with a struggle to meet the next day with open hearts and renewed faith in their belief that putting their son in God's hands for eternity is accepting God's plan.  One family is left behind and will meet the next day with joyful hearts as they remain faithful that this new young couples life will be a happy journey.

The House of God holds many celebrations in the lives of His believers.  There are wedding vows, baptisms, confirmations, and many more celebrations of life held at the alter, the front door to God's house.  Funerals are a celebration of life as well, life's lived, life's lost.  Beautiful celebrations that shower us with happiness and sorrow.  Beautiful celebrations that reflect God's plan in each and every one of us.  Daily and Weekly mass celebrations we attend to renew our faith, and encourage us to enjoy every moment we experience in the Circle Of Life under God's care.  Celebrations that bring us to our knees, celebrations that shed tears from our souls.  Celebrations of life and celebrations of death.

Today I celebrate the life of a friend through his death.  I am sad for this lost in not only my life but the life of his family and friends as well.  The memories I have made in my short walk of his short life will last through eternity, as will his soul. 

Today I celebrate the union of the lives of friends I have met through another friend.  I am looking forward to celebrating their new bond as husband and wife and watching their love grow as they move forward in their journey together.  The memories we will make in our friendship will also last an eternity. 

A bitter sweet reminder on this day of how precious life is, how short it can be, and how through death, life goes on.  Relish in every moment your loved ones are with you, cherish every celebration of life you encounter.  There will come a day when the celebration of life is the celebration of death.  Take no moments in life for granted, waste no time on anger and hate.  Let others live their lives to the fullest, even when you disagree with their method's of living.  Except nothing less then the things in life that make you happy.  Live with your soul, let your heart lead you to the end.  Never assume tomorrow will come, never regret the day that has past.  Live for today. 

We will all stumble on our path, we will all struggle with our lives.  Accept the challenge before you with an open mind, a warm heart, a fearless soul.  Leap through the loops in life as you journey towards eternity, the forever we all strive to achieve.  Let no moment of happiness slip by, take hold of what is within your reach and someday when your journey lands beyond a breath of life, your loved ones will accept your end and see it as a new beginning.

A bittersweet day full of memories and reminders of a past that has met up with a future.  New beginnings through death, new beginnings through life.  Lives that passed through the same path, one gone, two just beginning.  Two celebrations that produced moments of tears, one of sadness, two of joy.  Two rides to a new beginning, one in a hearse one in a limo.  An end. A beginning. 

A ceremony that requires "til death do us part", a ceremony the says "through death I have found eternal life".  Celebration's of life, eternal by definition. 

Yes, a bittersweet day.  Faith, Hope, and Love

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.