Sunday, May 18, 2014

Carpe Diem

If you told me eight years ago that today I would be graduating from college with a four year degree majoring in Journalism with a minor in both Spanish and Business, well frankly, I would not have been surprised.  Before I was even fourteen I had aspirations of becoming a writer.  Reading remains my passion in life, writing things that others are interested in reading is my goal.   I knew I would accomplish a four year degree, I knew I would graduate from college.  I knew I could accomplish that personal goal and I had a lot of support from many people in my life as I did it.  I took the opportunities that came my way and with some work and discipline, I earned a college degree.  I seized my moment(s) as it (they) crossed in front of me. 

I don't want to give the impression that it all came easy.  I worked hard every step of the way.  While the studies came fairly easy to me, it was learning about life in these past four years that proved more difficult than the educational studies.  I learned just as much about life in the past four years as I did about the subjects I was studying.  I am proud of my degrees and I am proud of myself for sticking with it and getting it done.  But there is something in my life I am more proud of, something which I still fear in my daily life and work on improving with every breath I take. 

There are literally thousands of college graduates every year.  Thousands of people who have achieved their dreams.  Thousands of people who have dedicated themselves to earning a degree that will carry them financially through the rest of their lives.  Yes, I survived an academic achievement in my journey along the way.  It wasn't always easy but I met every challenge I was faced with which resulted in the reward of degrees that will financially carry me through life.

There are also thousands of people every day who survive one more day in theirs lives of abuse.  Emotional, Mental, Physical, Sexual abuse.  There are thousands of people each day that survive one more day of loneliness.  One more day of feeling unworthy in their lives.  One more day of grieving for loved ones lost.  One more day of feeling they do not belong.  Thousands.  Thousands of people who are trying to get themselves back on track, struggling to find their way, their path in life. 

While I have survived some of the most difficult days in the 22 years I have been alive, each day I wake up, surviving the day before, is still another day I will have to survive the things that haunt me from my past.  Just like thousands of others, each day brings new fears, new concerns, new survival tactics.  That is life, and while most everyone is faced with future fears of survival, there are those that may never survive their fears from the past, but they keep on fighting.

Those are the people today who inspire me to get from one moment to the next, to work through my fears and be thankful for where I am at and for all who have stood next to me each step of the way.  While today I celebrate the achievements of a college degree, I will always admire those that may have never stepped foot on a college campus. Those that survive the struggles of their past and future.  They are truly the people who have helped me along the way.  Though I have met just a handful of them, there are thousands I have not and I pray for them to get through the struggles they face daily. 

So while we move on in our lives today, celebrating our academic accomplishments, remember all those that have accomplished the survival of one more day in their lives.  Those we have yet to meet, those that have shown us how its truly done.  Congratulations to all those who keep surviving.  Congratulations to all those who never give up.  Congratulations to all those who silently push through one more day.

They are the true survivors in life.  They are the ones that matter the most.  They are the ones that inspire the wealthy, the educated, and the fortunate.  They are the ones that seize the moments of life that carry them through the struggles they face.  Because of them, I have seized my day.  Carpi Diem!  Thank you!

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.