Tuesday, January 14, 2014

She Wants To Rest In Peace

She just wants to rest peacefully, as was wished upon her by her family and friends on the day they laid her to rest.  The moment her last breath of life was taken GOD plucked her soul from the earth as if HE was picking the most precious beautiful flower from HIS earthly garden.  Her soul would shine in the heavens above as she watched over her loved ones left behind.  What she could not convince them of while here on earth she would guide them from above so that one day they to would spend a lifetime of eternity in the Kingdom of GOD, at the right hand of the Father.

A wife, a mother, a sister, a grandmother, a great grandmother, an aunt, a friend.  A child of GOD, graced by HIS presence not just in her heart and soul, but in her actions and words too.  Her life was not easy by any means but each struggle she faced brought her closer to who she needed to become as GOD prepared a spot for her in HIS land.  Each hardship she endured brought her closer to who she would need to be to be accepted into HIS eternal life after death.  The sacrifices she made in her life on earth would be rewarded one day with a short visit through GOD's park (purgatory) as she advanced to HIS promise of eternal life in the Kingdom HE built so that one day we will all be together again. 

Her visit to GOD's park would not just prepare her to move into HIS Kingdom, it would also provide her a glimpse of what those she loved would endure after their own breath of life on earth was taken, should they fail to realize their faults and work on their faith.  She spent very little time in the park before she moved onto an eternal life and the time spent reflecting on her life on earth brought her to tears.  Was she a good enough mother, friend, wife, Christian?  Was there more she could have done to help others, put others before herself.  Was she forgiving enough of others and their faults. Was she accepting enough of others who lived differently then she did.  Did she instill enough life skills in her children so they could live their lives as good Christians, good citizens.  Did she set a good enough example of how to be selfless and giving, loving and forgiving.  Did she show them with her actions how to put others needs before their own, that material things in life would not travel with them, but the way they treated others would be carried over when GOD calls them home.

Questions no one should have to spend their time in Heaven trying to find answers to.  Thoughts no one should have to ponder after they have taken their final breath, beyond a breath of life.  It is not something we think about as we live our lives walking the earth.  We fail to realize that how we live on earth will determine the time we spend in purgatory trying to right the wrongs we carried on our path beyond a breath of life.  We don't stop and reflect on where we are as Christians so that when we are called home we can have a short path in GODs park and move into eternity where we will be reunited with our loved ones.

I have read many times from many sources that the best gift a child can give their parents is to live a good life.  Work on your walk while on earth to be the best you that you can be.  Most of us will out live our parents and when that day arrives they will become the angels that guide you from the Heavens above.  Don't leave your mother to wonder where she went wrong because you cannot get it right.  Search your soul for the tools she gave you when she was physically here with you.  Clean your closets and rid your life of the material things you hold dearer to you than you do your fellow Christians.  Look in your heart for the love your mother gave you.  Find the strength to carry on her legacy by changing the things you can about yourself, accept the things in others you cannot change, and be wise and honest about knowing the difference. 

You can feel her in the wind of the trees, you can hear her in the heartbeat of your child.  You can see her in your fathers eyes.  You can wrap yourself in the warmth of her blanket, you can find her standing strong beside a friend, an enemy, a stranger. 

She will stand strong between you and your enemies, not to protect you from them, but to protect them from you, because you are better then you are allowing her to see.   She will stand behind each challenge you face in life and push it towards you in an effort to make you a better person for having faced life head on.  She will open the door you hide behind, not to find you and save you, but to allow others to see you at your weakest and accept you for who you are, not for who you want them to believe you are.  She will be the second set of footprints as you journey home to her and the only set of footprints when you need her the most.

Give back to her as she has given you everything you are, everything you become and all that you should be.  Expose your weaknesses and accept what others have to offer so the bonds of friendship strengthen and cannot be broken.  Be there for others and treat then as you would like to be treated.  In the quiet of the night, find peace in your heart and seek out her soul, remembering the kind gentle soul she became in life.  In the quiet of the night, let her Rest In Peace, because in the rush of the day she is searching for ways to help you grow your faith and be the child of GOD you need to be for the day HE calls you home.

Holy Mother Mary,
Who by virtue of your divine motherhood,
Hast become mother of us all
I place the charge which God has given me,
under your loving protection.
Be a Protecting Mother to my children.
Guard their bodies and
keep them in health and strength.
Guard their minds and keep their thoughts ever holy
in the sight of their Creator and God.
Guard their hearts and keep them pure and strong and
happy in the love of God.
Guard always their souls and ever preserve in them,
faithfully, the glorious image of God
whom they received in Holy Baptism.
Always Mother, protect them and keep them
under your Mothering care.
Supply in your all-wise motherhood,
for my poor human deficiencies
and protect them from all evil.
Queen of the Most Holy Family,
Pray for us.
(author unknown)

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.