Saturday, February 1, 2014

Standing In Judgment

The world would be a boring place if we were all the same.

One of the most grave errors we as humans make in our lives is to try to cure our pain through the judgment of others.  It somehow makes us feel better and less lonely when we can pick apart how others live.  Pointing out the differences in others takes the burden of what we do not like about ourselves off our minds.  It's as if somehow ridiculing someone else will make the pain of who we are go away.  The issue with that theory is that it is short lived, that feeling we get from thinking we are better then the person we are making fun of doesn't last very long.

Being short or tall, thin or fat, black or white, bears no weight on who is inside the shell we live in on earth.  What we wear or how we wear it, what we eat or what we drive does not define who we are on the inside.  Whether our hair is black, orange, green or even whether we are bald does not tell the story of where we came from. 

The story of our life lives inside our souls and the only way anyone will have access to that story is if we choose to share it with them.  Any other assumption we have on what someone else's past has been like would be us judging them based on the shell we see them wearing.  You often hear 'Never judge a book buy its cover' and as simple as that phrase sounds to understand many people believe it is about picking up a book and reading it before you say it is good or bad.  That theory is meant to throw critic's off their game.  No one can judge for you whether you will like a book, a movie, a game, or even a piece of art.  Therefore you should keep in mind that listening to someone else's opinion on what you may or may not like is senseless  Find out for your self, let yourself be the judge of what sits before you in life.

Something I challenge myself on throughout my day is to get to know the situations I face before I cast judgment on what its appearance is.  It is hard not to jump to conclusions and proves just as difficult to keep my thoughts to myself before I get the real story.  It is something I practice daily and the more I am aware of this the easier it becomes to not sit in judgment of others.  This challenge I have taken on with myself has placed a lot of great people in my life that I may have otherwise written off by judging without conviction before I approached them through friendship.  I am far from being the perfect human, or the perfect child of God and realizing I am still growing in my own spiritual world has benefited me in being a nicer person to those I cross paths with.

The following blog review will best describe to you how judging those you do not know can both destroy you and renew your faith in others at the same time.  (Beautiful Life Moments).  Challenge yourself to take time in your day to find the greatness of others when others are judging them based on their 'cover' in life.  Challenge yourself to open the book before you toss it to the side.  When you catch yourself judging someone, stop yourself.  What judgment are you making towards someone you do not know that is causing you to avoid judging yourself and making yourself a better person.

You do not become more attractive because you called someone ugly.  You do not get skinner because you called someone fat.  You do not gain riches by making fun of someone who is poor.  What will make you a better person, what will make you happier with who you are, is to reach out to others in need.  Lend a hand, share a smile, pay it forward.  Work on yourself from the inside out, that my friend, will make you more beautiful.  Feed someone who is hungry, that my friend, will make you fuller.  Gift some a nice winter coat, that my friend, will make you warmer.  Paying if forward will make you feel better about yourself, and less bitter about others.

You have two hands, one to help yourself and one to help others.

About Me

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I do not write to spread my sadness on earth, I write to share my journey to heaven.